On What We Do vs Why we do them

I used to be really proud of how long I could meditate. I'd tell anyone who would listen all about how it changed my life, slowed time and let me stop my own impulsive reactions, etc. But the truth was, after doing it for over a year I'd still get angry, or overreact, or feel depressed.

This time around, I realized that the most important thing about meditation is the mindfulness it helps one achieve.

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What Happens to Marketers Who Lie

Lying is wrong from a moral standpoint, sure, but few of us think about how terrible it is for our health.

With every lie we tell, we create two realities that our brains have to keep track of: the one that the lie exists in, and the one that actually is.

But that’s not all, studies show that the best way to beat a lie detector test is to believe wholeheartedly in what we’re saying. Like an actor, we’re more convincing when we’re ‘in character’. That means you not only have to sell others on your BS, you also have to sell yourself. At least until the people you’re lying to aren’t around anymore.

Problem is, every time someone points out where the reality that actually is contradicts the reality we fabricated, we’re stuck: do we admit the lie and accept what is, or do we protect the lie even if we have to destroy what is true? Choose the latter, and we’ll have to create lies to cover up the original lie. And with every new lie, reality for us splits yet again.

This is why people become ‘trapped’ in a ‘web’ of lies. They’re force to spend every waking moment in a world of their own fabrication, doing more and more things they don’t believe in just to hold it together. Their minds work overtime, all the time, struggling to keep up. Pretending until they can’t tell the difference. Until they go mad, for what is madness but the belief in realities that don’t actually exist?

Here’s where it gets scary: while most of us don’t believe that the Virgin Mary is speaking to us or that we are Napoleon reincarnated, many of us lie like crazy at our day jobs. To be clear, I’m not talking about exaggeration—stretching facts to tell a brighter and stronger story—we all do that to some extent, and sleep soundly at night having done it. Nor am I talking about the lies that could lead to federal indictments. Everyone knows to steer clear of those. No, I’m talking about the mundane lies, like having to pretend that our company makes the world’s greatest widget, or that millions of people can’t wait for the substandard product our team is making to reach store shelves, when that hasn’t been true for years or was never true. It’s even worse for marketers, because they not only have to trick themselves and their co-workers, they have to convince their customers too.

Here’s the truth: branding is never enough. Great branding that masks a bad product is a lie. One that’s even worse than terrible branding that masks a good one. Case in point: that time Steve Jobs hired Paul Rand to brand Next vs that time when Steve Ballmer believed the only endorsement Windows needed was Steve Ballmer.

So while bad branding is a relatively easy fix, bad products are a much harder pill to swallow. As a marketer you can try to change the former, but in most cases, the experts will be damned if you expect serious changes to the latter. Whether they secretly know it or not, the company’s too far gone. You can continue to collect their pay checks, convince yourself that the whole operation is really this close to turning the corner, and deal with the repercussions of “what were you thinking?” and the damage it’s doing to your career later. Set aside a booze budget for coping and ride that crazy train straight off the rails! Or you can find a healthier environment.

And leave an honest note on your way out prominent enough for others to see: Do not bother to resuscitate.

You’ll feel much better.